Taekwon-Do Leicester - Martial Arts & Self defence class

Experience Taekwon-Do in Leicester

Step into the world of Taekwondo with us in Leicester and discover a comprehensive martial arts experience like no other! Our dynamic martial arts classes cover a range of disciplines, from sparring and intricate patterns to the thrilling art of breaking. Improve your fitness, learn a new skills, and learn essential self-defence techniques in a welcoming and supportive environment.

Elevate Your Fitness and Boost Confidence

Our tailored workouts are designed to enhance your fitness levels while our engaging taekwondo classes help boost your confidence and self-esteem. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced in martial arts, Taekwon-Do Leicester offers classes that cater to all skill levels, ensuring you progress at your own pace and achieve your personal goals.

Join Our Vibrant taekwondo Community

At Taekwon-Do Leicester, you'll become part of a vibrant and supportive community of martial arts enthusiasts. Our experienced taekwondo instructors are committed to helping you develop resilience, strength, and discipline, both on and off the mat. Joining our community not only offers you the opportunity to learn and grow but also allows you to make new friends and connect with like-minded individuals.

Self defence Suitable for All Ages - Young or Young at Heart

Taekwon-Do Leicester welcomes individuals of all ages, from children as young as 4 years old to adults up to 80 years young! Our taekwondo classes are designed to be inclusive and adaptable, ensuring that everyone can participate and enjoy the benefits of Taekwon-Do, regardless of age, fitness level or previous experience of martial arts.

Transform Your Life with martial arts

Taekwon-Do Leicester is more than just a martial arts school; it's a place where you can transform your life. Our holistic approach to training focuses not only on physical fitness but also on mental and emotional well-being. Through our comprehensive Taekwondo programme, you'll learn valuable life skills, improve your focus and concentration, and gain the confidence to tackle life's challenges head-on.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to unleash your potential and transform your life with Taekwon-Do Leicester. Join us today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier, and more confident you!

Join Us

Taekwon-Do Leicester Main Class Membership
Every month

Unlock your potential with our £30/month membership! Build confidence and join a supportive community in our 8 years to adults class. We'll start preparing you for official UKTA gradings right away. When you officially start to grade and reach the Yellow belt, you'll have the opportunity to compete nationally if you wish. Embark on your Taekwon-Do journey today!

✓ Weekly 2-hour sessions - Sparring, Bagwork, Patterns & More
✓ Access to national Taekwon-Do competitions*
✓ Participation in Official regional UKTA gradings*
✓ Exclusive members area with valuable content
✓ Community of supportive individuals - Make friends Have Fun
Taekwon-Do Rising Champions Membership
Every month

Unlock your child's potential with our £15/month membership! Foster confidence and join a supportive community. With our 5 coloured t-shirt gradings system, including yellow, green, blue, red, and black, we'll prepare them for official UKTA gradings. When your child officially starts to grade, once they reach the Yellow belt, they'll be able to compete nationally if they wish. Start their Taekwon-Do journey today!

✓ Exciting Classes: 1hr per week with games & challenges
✓ Cool Moves: Learn awesome kicks and punches.
✓ Game Time: Enjoy activities boosting agility and teamwork.
✓ Special Events: Join ceremonies and themed classes.
✓ Friendship Fun: Make friends and create lasting memories!

Training Times


Rising champions class 4 to 8 year olds - 6pm till 7pm

Main class - 8 years and above - 7pm till 9pm


St Thomas Church Hall, South Wigston, LE18 4SB


Upcoming events